Machine Heads Gent
Machine Heads for 4 course bouzouki Gent nickel from Netherlands. The button is white pearl. There is a choice of axes to be positioned from the side or "nailed".
There are 12 products.
Machine Heads for 4 course bouzouki Gent nickel from Netherlands. The button is white pearl. There is a choice of axes to be positioned from the side or "nailed".
Purflings for luthiery and handicraft uses. Minimum quantity 10 pieces. Price per piece 0,30 euro.
Purflings for luthiery and handicraft uses. Minimum quantity 10 pieces. Price per piece 0,30 euro.
Shell dots in mother of pearl color for 3-course bouzouki . Minimum quantity of 10 pieces. All dots are available in the following dimensions: Ø 2mm Ø 3mm Ø 4mm Ø 5mm Ø 6mm. Please indicate the thickness you prefer when ordering.
Machine Heads SW-100 in nickel colour with axle from the side or "nailed". You can choose 3 colors on the buttons, white, black or honey.
Gent machine heads in nickel with two holes in the axe. Suitable for 3course bouzouki.